Student were talking about their feelings after 9/11 and being Muslim, " every time a violent attack is carried out in the name of Islam tthese students are upset about the negative aspects it portrays. They feel bad about the violence of some groups which affect Islamic students and how other people think about Islam. The students also said that even though they are Muslim it does not mean you are ISIS or Al-Quida. They talked how 9/11 effected their lives.
"I made the decision to start wearing Hijab just before starting college" and I suddenly felt this oportunity to kind if be an ambassador for my faith and represent my faith as i understood it and all of its beautiful values."
The call to action is to be a role vnoded for the best Muslim and representative for Islam. These students want to shatter the sterotype of the ISIS Muslim. Engaging in ceonversations to educate people about the positive identity of Muslims is very important.